Integrating best in class technology
Our team is developing Megawatt Charging Systems (MCS) for large Battery Electric Vehicles. We design and manufacture Electric Vehicle Chargers with rating from 1 MW to 3.75 MW. With variable voltages ranging from 200 to 1500 volts DC and variable current up to 3000 Amps, Our Chargers are designed to charge large Electric Trucks in a matter of minutes. The connector will be rated for charging at a maximum rate of 3.75 megawatts (3,000 amps at 1,250 volts direct current (DC)). We are Chargers of choice for large and medium commercial vehicles.
Plug in and go
Our Chargers use smart AI and Machine Learning algorithms to charge large Battery Packs rapidly while keeping them safe and protecting the life or the Battery Packs. Talk to us to learn how we do it!
EV/HEV Commercial Vehicle Conversion
Our all-electric vehicle “upfit,” OHMEV™, is designed for the Class 4-8 chassis used in walk-in vans, delivery trucks, shuttle buses, refrigerated trucks and mining vehicles. OHMEV™ can be provided as a kit or full conversion for existing vehicles, or as a complete kit for new builds, and can be configured for ranges of 80 to 400 miles within a duty cycle. Our design is both modular as well as swappable while using liquid cooled designs that almost eliminate the chance of battery fires as well as allowing Ultrafast charging.
Solutions for OEMs & Upfitters
The uniqueEV™ electric propulsion system is available as a kit for installation or retrofit by qualified upfitters, or as part of a complete factory-installed OEM rolling chassis (“skateboard”) ready for body mounting. Our engineers have designed a quality OEM solution that can be seamlessly integrated into your medium or heavy-duty truck or bus platform. Including all components, cabling and documentation, uniqueEV™ allows you to bring the efficiency and simplicity of an electric drivetrain to your customers.
Why energy storage?
This change to energy generation and consumption is being driven by three powerful trends: the arrival of increasingly affordable distributed power technologies, decarbonization of the world’s electricity network through the introduction of more renewable energy sources, and the emergence of digital technologies.
The rapid deployment of low-carbon technologies such as wind and solar is making it increasingly difficult to forecast variable generation, creating challenges around grid stability, congestion and market volatility.
More connected devices and smart sensors create fast decision-making on dynamic and nodal prices, while intelligent control systems and internet-enabled software optimize power plants and the grid.
The growing penetration of distributed energy resources, including renewables and storage, is creating more “prosumers” and increasing distribution grid complexity.
Grid-Scale U.S. Energy Storage Capacity Could Grow Five-Fold By 2050
what is the total market potential for storage technologies
For this work, researchers added new capabilities to NREL’s Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) capacity expansion model to accurately represent the value of diurnal battery energy storage when it is allowed to provide grid services — an inherently complex modeling challenge.
Expanded Capabilities to Model Storage Potential
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Installed Storage Capacity Could Increase Five-Fold by 2050
Across all scenarios in the study, utility-scale diurnal energy storage deployment grows significantly through 2050, totaling over 125 gigawatts of installed capacity in the modest cost and performance assumptions — a more than five-fold increase from today’s total. Depending on cost and other variables, deployment could total as much as 680 gigawatts by 2050.
System Flexibility Key to Storage Deployment
To understand what could drive future grid-scale storage deployment, NREL modeled the techno-economic potential of storage when it is allowed to independently provide three grid services: capacity, energy time-shifting, and operating reserves.
Storage and Solar Symbiosis
Solar PV generation also has a strong relationship with time-shifting services. More PV generation creates more volatile energy price profiles, increasing the potential of storage energy time-shifting. Like peaking capacity, the value of energy time-shifting grows over time with increased PV penetration.
About Us
Ohmitron, Inc. is a partner in electrification to the transportation industry. Currently our team works on cutting edge technology to solve the problems facing our industry. Our products include Super Ultrafast vehicle charging systems, Conversion kits to convert class 4,5,6,7,8 diesel commercial trucks to electric, immersion cooled modular swappable battery packs, highly efficient long term storage systems for grids and large axial hub motors.
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